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5 ways to automate LinkedIn Conversions with Zapier

One of the primary goals of your LinkedIn ad strategy is to capture

leads through your paid ads. But the actual success of that strategy relies on your ability to track both offline and online conversions. Those are the actions your prospects take after interacting with your LinkedIn ads—like filling out a form, registering for a webinar, or buying something online. 

With LinkedIn Conversions, you can better understand which ads are most successful at driving ROI—so you can adjust your business strategies accordingly. But manually tracking and sending every conversion event to LinkedIn can be time-consuming and prone to error, especially when dealing with multiple platforms. 

That’s where our

LinkedIn Conversions integration comes in. With just a few Zaps—what we call our automated workflows—you can send data from your CRM, eCommerce platform, or event software directly to LinkedIn Conversions. That way, you can automatically and accurately track clicks, sign-ups, and purchases in real-time to make sure every dollar counts.  

With Zapier's LinkedIn Conversions integration, you can automatically track ad conversions and send the data to your CRM—for free—without using up Zapier tasks.

Learn more and start automating for free with LinkedIn Conversions.

Table of contents

To get started with a Zap template—what we call our pre-made workflows—just click on the button. It only takes a few minutes to set up. You can

read more about setting up Zaps here.

Send CRM events as conversions

Your LinkedIn ad strategy relies on capturing accurate sales data. To understand which ads are truly driving results, you need to track both the online actions (like form submissions) and offline conversions (such as deals closed after a sales call or in-person meeting). Without this holistic view, you risk missing key insights and leaving potential ROI on the table.

Many of your most valuable conversions are logged in your CRM (like Salesforce, HubSpot, or Pipedrive). But manually tracking and reporting these events to LinkedIn is both time-consuming and inefficient. 

With these Zaps, you can automatically turn new deals or updated opportunities in your CRM into conversion events in LinkedIn. That way, your ads data is always up to date (and accurate).

Track lead activity from other ads

Many businesses today use a mix of advertising platforms to capture leads from multiple channels. You might be running lead generation ads on LinkedIn while also capturing leads through Typeform surveys or Facebook Lead Ads, creating a comprehensive sales funnel.

Manually tracking and reporting these leads across platforms can be a hassle. But with Zapier, you can automate the process, ensuring all your lead data flows into LinkedIn Conversions effortlessly.

For example, you can send new form submissions from Facebook Lead Ads or Typeform directly to LinkedIn Conversions. This allows you to capture and report leads from different sources seamlessly, helping you optimize your follow-up efforts to close more deals. Here are a few Zaps to get you started:

Send orders as purchase events

When it comes down to it, the best conversions are, of course, your sales. Say you're selling products on Shopify and your team records those transactions in Stripe—those will be the most valuable conversion events you'll want to track and analyze. But you can imagine the absolute chaos if you tried to manually add each and every transaction to LinkedIn Conversions. 

By using these Zaps to automatically log your sales as purchase events, you can make sure they're accounted for in your ad strategy. Not only does this open the door for personalized re-engagement campaigns, but it also improves the accuracy of your attribution data. 

Turn sign-ups and registrations into conversions

Sign-ups and registrations are more than just names on a list—they're the first step toward converting engaged prospects into loyal customers. Whether someone's registered for an event for the first time or just subscribed to your newsletter, these actions signal interest and intent.

By using these Zaps to automatically log these sign-ups and registrations as conversion events in LinkedIn, they'll be fully integrated into your ad strategy. That way, you can easily track the success of your campaigns and optimize your ad targeting based on real engagement.

Create conversion events from webhooks

Zapier lets you connect LinkedIn Conversions to thousands of apps. But what happens if you can't find the tool you're looking for in Zapier's App Directory?

Fortunately, you can use webhooks to capture data from virtually any platform and send it to LinkedIn as a conversion event. This opens up endless possibilities for tracking actions from apps that aren't natively supported by Zapier (or apps that don't support certain triggers or actions). Use these Zaps to get started:

Improve your ROI with LinkedIn Conversions and Zapier

With our

LinkedIn Conversions integration, you can automate, measure, and ultimately improve how your ads perform on LinkedIn. From strengthening campaign insights to  optimizing ads across the customer journey and more, you can use automation to power your ad strategy and improve your ROI. This is just the start of what you can do withLinkedIn Conversions and Zapier. What will you automate next?