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How to use ChatGPT to write a cover letter (with prompts)

How to use ChatGPT to write a cover letter (with prompts) https://ift.tt/d3nGosV

Love 'em or hate 'em, cover letters play a crucial role in the job application process. It was true back when Leonardo Da Vinci penned what's considered

one of the first recorded cover letters seeking employment with the Duke of Milan in 1482. And it's still true today. 

Personally, I love cover letters. A well-crafted one showcases what sets you apart from other candidates and convinces the hiring manager to, at a minimum, reach out for a first-round interview.

But it can be daunting—not to mention time-consuming—to boast about yourself in a way that's not too braggadocious but clearly communicates, "I'm the one you want." That's why many people are turning to

AI writing generators likeChatGPT for help. Used wisely, these AI tools can help set your letter apart from other candidates' without having to spend endless hours writing it. Here's how to use ChatGPT to write a cover letter. 

Table of contents

How to use ChatGPT to write a cover letter 

Here's a summary of how to use ChatGPT to write a cover letter (keep scrolling for detailed steps with prompt examples): 

  1. Find the job posting you want to apply for.

  2. Open a copy of your resume or LinkedIn profile. 

  3. Log in to

  4. Attach your resume or paste the URL of your LinkedIn profile, along with the URL of the job posting, in the message bar, and ask ChatGPT to write a cover letter.

Now for the details. 

1. Find the job posting you want to apply for  

Find the job posting you want to apply for, and keep it open in a separate tab. You'll need this later. 

2. Open a copy of your resume or LinkedIn profile 

If you have a

LinkedIn profile, open it in a separate tab. Make sure your work experience and summary are up to date (ChatGPT will rely on this information later on). 

If you don't have a LinkedIn profile, a copy of your resume as a text file or PDF also works. 

3. Log in to OpenAI 

Go to

chat.openai.com, and log in to your account. Don't have an OpenAI account yet?Here's how to set one up

4. Ask ChatGPT to write a cover letter 

If you have a LinkedIn profile, enter the following prompt in the message bar of ChatGPT:

Here is my LinkedIn profile: [Paste URL to LinkedIn profile] 

Using information from my LinkedIn profile, write a cover letter that's tailored to the job description pasted below. 

Job description: [Paste URL for job posting]

If you're using your resume, attach a copy of your resume and enter the following prompt in the message bar of ChatGPT:

Attached is my resume. 

Using information from my resume, write a cover letter that's tailored to the job description pasted below. 

Job description: [Paste URL for job posting]

(Note: In some cases, ChatGPT may prompt you to paste a text version of the posting directly into the chat.)

Here's what ChatGPT outputted using

this Zapier role and an engineering friend's LinkedIn profile (who says I can't write an article and help a friend at the same time?).  
The cover letter created by ChatGPT based on the prompt

As you can tell, it follows a pretty

standard cover letter template (I'll share ChatGPT prompts to help you finetune this in a second), but it's a decent starting point. 

If this is as far as you want to take ChatGPT, no problem. Be sure to edit the draft to make sure all placeholders have been updated and, more importantly, that ChatGPT didn't

make up any facts. In my experience, ChatGPT would sometimes mistake the qualifications listed in the posting as my actual work experience. So—and I can't emphasize this enough—review everything. 

ChatGPT cover letter prompt examples 

When it comes to getting ChatGPT to generate a cover letter that will draw a hiring manager's attention, here are a few ways to

refine your prompt

ChatGPT cover letter prompt #1 

Instead of trusting that ChatGPT will draw out the information you want to emphasize in your resume or that ChatGPT will magically know the unique aspects about you that aren't included in your digital profile, you can feed it this information right from the start. 

Write a first draft of a cover letter in a [describe your voice] based on the following information:

1. Job details: [Include job title, company name, and key requirements]

2. Relevant experience: [List 2-3 key experiences you want to highlight]

3. My motivation: [Briefly explain why you're interested in this role/company. Include reference to any specific initiatives that resonated with you at the research stage]

4. Unique aspects about me: [Include any special achievements or qualities that set you apart]

Include the following words and phrases: [Include any keywords or phrases identified]

ChatGPT cover letter prompt #2

It's not enough to just say what you did in your previous roles—for example, "Managed inventory." You have to emphasize the impact your action had. The STAR method is a good way to accomplish this and get your resume in the Yes pile.

  • Situation/Task: Describe a specific situation where you identified a problem or the task you set out to accomplish. 

  • Action: List the actions you took to solve the issue.

  • Result: Describe the positive results of your efforts.

Rewrite the following job experience using the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method to clearly highlight my achievements. Showcase my [specific skill or ability] with this example.

[Insert experience details] 

ChatGPT's output of the STAR method for writing a cover letter

ChatGPT's output for Action and Result is always interesting. I never told it the exact actions I took or the results I achieved. Instead, it (accurately) assumed these details, making it a great way of surfacing noteworthy actions and achievements I would've otherwise forgotten. 

ChatGPT cover letter prompt #3

If you tend to be sheepish about your accomplishments, ChatGPT can help you exude more confidence on paper by incorporating strong action verbs. Just be careful not to take the AI too far—you want to sound confident, not arrogant. 

Rewrite the following list of accomplishments to sound more confident and impactful. Use strong action verbs. 

[Insert list of accomplishments and results]

How to use ChatGPT for job hunting research

Instead of asking ChatGPT to outright draft your cover letter, you can prompt it to help you with elements of your cover letter—for example, generating a list of keywords or qualifications to emphasize. Or doing background research on the company so that you can incorporate your knowledge of the organization's current priorities into your letter.

Here are some prompt examples to get you started. 

Ask ChatGPT to suggest which keywords or experiences to highlight 

If the hiring company uses an

applicant tracking system (ATS) to screen applications—which, in all likelihood, it does—incorporating important keywords in your cover letter can make the difference between moving your resume to the next stage or getting lumped into the No pile. 

Analyze the following job description: [Paste URL for the job posting]

Output the following: 

1. A list of key skills and qualifications required for this role

2. Important keywords that should be included in a cover letter

3. Aspects of a candidate's experience that would be most relevant to highlight

Format your response as a bulleted list for each category.

For this prompt, I don't recommend telling ChatGPT to output a specific number of key skills, qualifications, or keywords. Sure, a long list might be a little more overwhelming at first. But this way, you can be the final decider of which keywords or experiences you feel confident highlighting in your cover letter. 

Important keywords and relevant experiences to highlight in the cover letter, according to ChatGPT

You can also ask ChatGPT to help narrow down which of your experiences or qualifications line up with the job requirements. 

Job description: [Paste the URL for the job posting] 

LinkedIn profile or resume: [Paste the URL of your LinkedIn profile or attach your resume]

Based on the job description and LinkedIn profile/resume provided, output a list of my experiences and qualifications that match the key requirements. Suggest specific points I should highlight in my cover letter.

A list of experiences and qualifications for the job from ChatGPT

Ask ChatGPT to highlight potential deal breakers 

Job hunting isn't a one-sided interaction. The hiring manager is evaluating if you're a right fit for the company just as much as you're evaluating if the company is right for you. To avoid the heartbreak of spending time researching and interviewing with one company only to find out there's a lack of growth opportunities or the salary expectations are way off, use ChatGPT to help identify potential red flags. 

Red flags don't automatically mean you should axe the company from your job search. Instead, review the list of flags, and if they're more like orange flags, consider clarifying them during the interview stage. 

Job description: [Paste the URL for the job posting]

Review the above job posting and identify any potential red flags that I should be aware of.

For each identified red flag, provide:

1. A brief explanation of why it's concerning

2. A suggested question to ask during an interview to clarify the issue

You can also ask ChatGPT to search the web to summarize information about the company you're interested in working for. This includes recent news about the company, its

mission statement, andcore values. This information can help you determine your alignment with the company and demonstrate your knowledge of their current priorities in your letter. 

Browse the web and summarize the [most recent news/mission statement and core values] of [Company name].

ChatGPT listing Zapier's core values

Use AI to help you land your next job 

ChatGPT isn't the only AI tool that can help you land your next job. If you're a little rusty on your live interview skills or you freeze when the hiring manager inevitably asks you, "What are your salary expectations for this role?" use an AI-powered coach to run some mock interviews and get tips on how to negotiate the best offer. Check out Zapier's list of

AI tools to help you land your next job

Automate ChatGPT 

As a writing tool, ChatGPT is a pretty decent time-saver when it comes to generating first draft cover letters. But that's not all it can help you with. When you use

Zapier's ChatGPT integration, you can prompt ChatGPT to do things like draft a cold outreach message to the hiring manager or other connections in your network, and have it ready to send as an email. Learn more abouthow to automate ChatGPT, or get started with one of these premade workflows. 

Zapier is the leader in workflow automation—integrating with thousands of apps from partners like Google, Salesforce, and Microsoft. Use interfaces, data tables, and logic to build secure, automated systems for your business-critical workflows across your organization's technology stack.

Learn more.

If you want to take your automations to the next level, use Zapier Central to

build an AI job search bot. You can build a dedicated bot that automatically handles everything from writing personalized resumes and cover letters to emailing resumes and collecting your accomplishments from Slack.

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